Time is fleeting
Interesting the passage of time. Maintaining a blog has been an unfortunate failing in my business. keeping up with Social Media is...

Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll
The Life of a Professional Photographer is really not unlike the life of anyone else. Oh sure, there is the whole sex, drugs and rock...

Christmas for the Photographer 2015
GIFTS FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS As I sit here just scant weeks before Christmas, I have received the annual request for a Gift list for my...

Been crazy busy this year opening the new studio has taken so much time! Will post again very soon!

Nikon D 610
D-610 is in the House! Finally broke down and bought a new camera. There was nothing really wrong with the old one other than in this...

Last year at this time.
Its Municipal election time again. Driving around my area I see multiple copies of the headshots I did for City Council candiadate Teri...

Porsche or Ferrari??
Porsche or Ferrari? Trying to decide about replacing a camera body with a newer body is very similar to deciding between a Porsche or a...

Playing at softball
Spent the past weekend at my daughter's softball tournament. Thought I would try my hand at sports photography. Not my area of...

How much is too much or when is enough enough?
I am looking at investing in a new camera body as the ones I have now are getting a bit long in the tooth. Yesterday there was an...