How much is too much or when is enough enough?
I am looking at investing in a new camera body as the ones I have now are getting a bit long in the tooth.
Yesterday there was an announcement of a 50 MP camera back for a Hasselblad. My current camera is 6.1MP. Its true there is a limit in how big I can enlarge before the image pixelates. To that end I have been looking at new camera bodies. I am heavily invested in Nikon and will continue with that brand. Its never let me down so why change?
I am looking at the D800 or D610. Both have megapixels to spare, 36 and 24 MP respectively! More than enough for my needs. I am but a simple family photographer, but the feeling I needed more won't go away. I also shoot stock images and there in lies my desire for bigger files sizes. But when is enough, enough?
My thoughts are the 610 and its 24 MP should keep me in the arms race for awhile without the need to retool next year. That number is more than enough to keep me working and happy. In fact a simpler camera like the Nikon DF has me enamored. I don't truly need the bells and whistles attached to most cameras these days. I can expose "properly". I can produce stellar image and don't really need the camera to do it for me. So why are the Pro ranks not screaming out for more DF style cameras rather than D4's?
When is enough, enough?